
Name: Sabsie
Gender: Girl
Age: 21
Birthday: March 22
Ethinicity: Caucasian
Location: Oregon
Likes: Anime, Music, Manga, Internet, Sleep
Dislikes: Spiders, Idiots, Scary stuff; the works.
Email: SailorMoonChld


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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I love you Sebastian! ^^ <3 YAY!

So.. I went to Arizona last week.. It was AMAZING! The drive down kinda sucked cause everyone was going 40mph... Cause there was a bunch of snow.. So it dragged me down to make the drive down longer than it needed to be.. =/ I almost hit the back of a semi too.. x.x; Scary! Stupid ice.. Oh well. =D I'm still alive. XD

Got to Sebi sama and met up at Denny's again! ^^ YAY! Stayed at motel 8.. Ended up talking his ear off for awhile.. LOL Then I passed out.. >>; Went to the movies saw The Eye and Cloverfield.. o.o Good movies. =D The camera guy was funny in Cloverfield. The eye was like O_O! But yeah.. ^^; He had to work all the days I was there but just spending the evenings.. I felt like a housewife! LOL Cause I would somewhat straighten up the room and just wait for him to come "home" and stuff. It was sweet. Apparently he got used to it to. lol

Then I had to hang out in the barracks for a day. I slept most of it cause I was just like. *dies* And we were worried someone would come by and check the rooms or something.. o.o; So even then I was too worried to sleep. XD He came home and we went to Days Inn that night.. Days Inn has some memories. Pretty damn awesome memories!! <3 And yeah.. =D And the other place we stayed the next night has some GREAT memories too! XD He is so sweet! ^^ I love him so much.. Miss him too x.x;

Then I had to leave the next morning.. v.v; Poor Sebi Sama.. Had to deal with me crying and stuff.. T_T I cried a lot of the way home but.. It was okay.. I got home.. Cried some more and was pissed cause I got home at a decent hour.. Thought I should have stayed another day.. Then passed out literally at midnight. Cried the next morning.. Hung out with Chris and Rosemary. Went to work Sunday.. Then as of Sunday night...


Yes yes.. I am excited! ^^ Nothing can bring me down for like.. A long ass time.. ^^ I've been incredibly happy the past 3 days.. =D Hung out with Annies and Megus and Rosemary on Monday and ate at Applebees. =D Annie is mah photographer and stuffs.. =D So.. I'm just excited! I'm going back to Arizona in May. =D Mini Vacation again! YAY! ^^ Then sometime in the fall of 2009.. I will be Mrs. Sebastian Recalde! ^^ YAY! I'm so freaking happy. =D


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