
Name: Sabsie
Gender: Girl
Age: 21
Birthday: March 22
Ethinicity: Caucasian
Location: Oregon
Likes: Anime, Music, Manga, Internet, Sleep
Dislikes: Spiders, Idiots, Scary stuff; the works.
Email: SailorMoonChld


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Sunday, May 29, 2005
I hate her..

That is all.
# posted by | 2:37 AM |
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Wow, I haven't been on here in forever.. o_o; Too many bad memories on this thing, that's why. :)

Well, here comes another. I guess this is my "Lets vent all bad stuff onto it." O.o;

Work sucks. As always. Ronald is started his talking to other girls crap. No cheating(To my knowledge). As usual, when he does this, he completely ignores me, every comment I make he snaps back at me and defends his "new love" if you will. And yeah.. Talks to her every waking moment of the day while sitting right next to his gf. Everything I talk about in anything he barks at me. I can be talking about gossip like today. Brad pitt dumping Jennifer because he wanted family. They both wanted kids... Why the hell would you dump someone if they want the same thing as you? That is bullshit. That can't be the reason you dumped Jennifer. I tell him this and he goes, "All you see is black and white sabrina. You never see anything in between. No one is the same Sabrina."

Now, I know that since we're siting right next to each other doing what we happily do.. Sitting on teh computer all day.. O.o;, We could at least talk right? Wrong. I'm sitting here bored out of my mind trying to find something to do besides polls on Gaia, while he is laughing his ass off talking to his new friend. None of my friends are ever on or they NEVER TALK ROSEMARY! :P Does he try to talk to me? Rarely.. Why should I try to talk if I will just ruin his fun? everytime I open my mouth he barks.

Now his name on MSN is "Why do you ignore me? Why do you show no interest?" I ask him who it is to. Well obviously me because, I haven't talked with him in a day or too. He just assumes I hate him and crap. When he hasn't asked my feelings on him barking at me or him not trying to talk with me either. Talking to this other girl all fucking day. Telling me if he doesn't find a job he will move up there, "Because it's not healthy for him here." Because they keep telling him it's not healthy for him here.. I've put up with it all my life.

But is that really the reason? Are you sure you don't want to move there to be with someone you like better? I'm sorry to seem so jaded but... I'm wary now. Very eyes open when you are with girls. No more blind shit saying, "He won't cheat on me." Why would I say that if you've done it once. Remember Ronald, "Just cause you're married/in a relationship doesn't stop you from liking another person and going after them." I'm escpecially wary when you call ME Erica. You should know the difference. But you don't because you talk with her ALL DAMN DAY and don't even say a word to me.. When I try to start something you bark about how I'm forcing my shit on them, or looking in black and white.

I bet it feels good having someone to talk to. I don't want to ruin it for you. It is probably better than talking with someone who constantly bitches all the time and shoves her depressive crap on you. At least you have someone to bitch to. I guess I just have to make new friends. But oh well. I guess this is supposedly how you felt last year when I was supposedly ignoring you because Rosemary was here.. But it seems so familiar.. Because you're ignoring me.. But this time you're not talking with Amanda. It's Erica.
# posted by | 10:35 AM |