
Name: Sabsie
Gender: Girl
Age: 21
Birthday: March 22
Ethinicity: Caucasian
Location: Oregon
Likes: Anime, Music, Manga, Internet, Sleep
Dislikes: Spiders, Idiots, Scary stuff; the works.
Email: SailorMoonChld


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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Well, since I missed some things in the last post I made that I remembered at work the past two days, I shall put them here.

For all races that come into work..:

When you put your junk on the belt and the belt is moving, I know when to stop scanning. Most likely because I've already got the money from the person before you in my hand and the REGISTER IS OPEN! :) You holding your shit back while the belt is moving is like watching someone trying to not be blown away in wind that is not blowing. :) It looks stupid and you are stupid for doing it. XD Especially when you see that my register is open. And when you could just simply put the damn divider before your crap.. I mean.. that isn't hard.

Customer= *holds stuff back while belt is moving and grunts* Can you turn this thing off!?
Me= *looks at them annoyed and like they are retarded considering that I have money in my hand from the person before and that all their shit is already bagged..* o_O
Customer= *keeps holding the shit back like I'm actually going to scan it*
Me= *looks at the divider they could be using and laughs handing the customer before them their change. Throws divider to the next customer who is next and holding their shit back..*
Customer= *is stupid enough to actually USE the divider when they are NEXT*
Me= *thinks they might really be retarded....*

Yeah people are stupid.. And again.. mostly this is Asians that do this.. Damn Asians.. o_O;

Also, another thing that people do that annoys me, is give me change while I already have over half their change ready to go. Like the other day, I had some guy come through my line and he gave me the right fucking amount after I gave him his change of $.56 and yeah.. I was supposed to give him a dollar but I didn't. I figured out I was supposed to after he left. No wonder he kept looking at his change weird. Like, "why did she only give me $.03?" Probably because you fucked up my concentration as I had already had your shit out... Dumbass. So.. the rest of the day, I didn't take any extra change if they decided to jump up to give it to me AFTER they gave me their money. Dumbasses.

I also don't like when MARRIED couples decide to seperate the food, not divide it, and then after I start scanning more shit, they say, "NO NO THAT'S SEPERATE!" I already have 5 items scanned.. you're married... why can't you just split it? Besides... why are you splitting it anyways..? You're MARRIED for godsake.

I also just hate when stupid customers come in, I have 2 dividers wanting to be in use, and their fucking lazy asses don't put it down. It always ends up someone puts their shit right next to theirs and I end up scanning someone else's shit and the first person bitches. "That's not mine! OMFG THAT'S NOT MINE!!!!!!!!1111111111111eleventy!!!" Well first off, dick, you know that blue stick right there at the side? Yeah... that's for YOU to use. Yeah. So... maybe when you're done putting your shit on the belt, you shouldn't worry about how your shit is getting bagged and worry first about if I'm gonna over charge your ass cause the next idiot is putting shit right next to yours. Dumbass. Then they bitch and bitch, and they keep bitching. White, black, and Spanish people bitch non stop, even after I got the shit out. Asian people are smart and just say, "that one isn't mine." They don't go into a frenzy, "OMFG I DIDN"T BUY THAT ONE!!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!!!!!!OMFG TAKE IT OUT OMGOMGOMGROASUROSLHKGAWD!!!!!!!!! TAKE THAT OFF NOW NOW NOW!" Okay.. Why don't you fucking wait till a front end gets here. They bitch even while the god damn frontend is there. Pushing shit to the scanner almost about to scan it AGAIN.. "TAKE IT OUT OMFG!!!11111!!!!" ...STFU!!! YOU DUMB SHIT!... o_O;

Another thing I hate... Spanish and White people do this too fucking much. See... they want to get out as fast as they can... so what do they do? HELP you push shit through the scanner! Yeah.. that's right! They push 3 or 4 things to if not into the scanner, just so you can scan it. Well.. see.. now this is what I am going to do, if they are fucking stupid enough to do that, if it ever scans 2 times and they aren't looking, I won't take it out. It's their damn fault for pushing shit into the scanner. I mean... Wtf are you thinking? I will get to it. Stop throwing fucking meat and rice onto the scanner. What? Am I somehow going to miss a bloddy thing of meat on the belt and now scan it? Is you shoving shit onto the scanner just so I push it away really making the process faster? Next person that does it and keeps doing it, I'm going to say, "Do you really want your shit scanned twice? Cause that is what you're gonna fucking do with you pushing shit to thru the damn scanner." Maybe they will stop. But then again they are so thick skulled I doubt it.

In conclusion to this post..

When you go to a store and you're in line to be rung up, USE THE DIVIDER! Also... you won't get out faster if a cashier has to void shit out cause you decided to push shit through the scanner. :)

What else.. Well, after I made the post the other day, I made more observation and found that what I said is true about the white people coming to normal lines with EL items and Asians follow suit. I laughed.. Ronald and I both laughed. I laughed everytime an Asian came up because they were just proving my point. XD
# posted by | 4:07 PM |
Sunday, December 26, 2004
[EDIT]Yay! It's snowing outside right now! *points*!
Bah, so much to type... o_o;

Well, Halloween was fun I guess... o_O; Gaia had some cool things going, which is where I spent most of my Halloween days. :) Getting Halloween stuff for people. Thanksgiving was okay. Spanish people secluding me because I'm white and going out with their nephew is always fun. :) Food was better. Unlike the years before, I was uncomfortable at this table and only ate 1 plate of food out of my usual 2. Yeah... That's pretty ok. >_>;

Well, Yesterday was Christmas. Didn't get anything for anyone but Ronald and I. Cause... my job sucks and I was poor. :) I got stuff for Danielle and her baby and that's about it. I got myself 3 pairs of pants, a beanie, straylight run and a Utada Hikaru cd from Virgin records store, a Chinese imported dragon statue, and expensive perfume. I got Ronald one more month on Lineage and today I got him some Headphones. He bought himself Half life 2.

Yesterday was great even though we were walking in the freezing cold and didn't exactly go to Central Park.. But Times Square is just as awesome. :) Walking with Ronald through the city is nice. Went to Subway, walked, he got a shirt from CK store and where we found the baby clothes for Danielle. Went to Times square, went to Virgin Records, looked around, bought stuff, then walked around some more and went to Starbucks and got Chai. Walked around some more and went home. It was so nice. :) I guess we'll have to go back to CP later..

Now.. Work. Work sucks nuts and I advise everyone who reads this to NEVER be a cashier no matter what. If you absolutely need it, like I do.. to pay a damn bill..*coughs* Cell*coughs* That isn't even worth it, then I guess you have to deal with it. Maybe in other states/cities/ whatever it's not near as bad as it is hear in NY. People are fucking retarded and rude. This month, actually everyday I have worked this job, has been hell. :)

Now, lets start the discrimination. And I don't care because this is my blog, free country, I say what I want and I confirm this through observation. :) If you don't wants to read it, don't. It's just a observational rant from POV as a cashier. :)

Asians: If you guys are so smart in technology and shit... why aren't you smart in the lines at a supermarket? You know.. more of you come and wait behind 3 people in front of you with carts full of shit, crap loads of Voids because they don't want a $2 item out of $100+ items that they already have because it was priced wrong, and yet... you have 3 items in your hand and OMFG!! The expressline is EMPTY! Why don't you see that? It's right fucking there... No one ever goes to it for god knows why... and you're standing there like a retard with 2-3 items in your hand staring at the expressline. Another stupid thing that ticks me off that you smart asians do, is start a whole flock of Expressline people to come through the normal lines. Is this your logic?

Expressline= Empty as always
Normal line for people with big ass shopping carts full of crap= empty for once..
OMG I NEED TO GO THE NORMAL LINE! Then 5-10 more Asians with 5 or less items comes waltzing up. I would love to yell, there is fucking EXPRESSLINE OVER THERE THAT IS EMPTY YOU GOD DAMN ASIANS! But I can't. :) It's like you flock up to the normal lines when they are open, which is rare now a days, instead of going to the Express line. And if they are waiting behind a person with a big shopping cart and you tell them there is an Expressline that is OPEN WITH NO ONE THERE, they say," Oh I'm next in line here though." It's like.. Why are you so dumb.. I just said you would be rung up in 2 minutes over there done and out because you would be the ONLY ONE THERE! Dumbass..

Another thing is, you come into my line after someone, you stare into my till. I have no $20's, $10's or anything cause I just had a pick up. You buy $10 worth of shit and pay with a $100 bill. Ass. Second thing is, you expect me to get change for quickly and hurry on your way. Well, for one thing... if you wanted to get out in a HURRY you should've gone through the EXPRESSLINE! Wow what a concept. Second off, you shouldn't have even paid with a $100 bill knowing I had no change since you were intently staring into my till. Dick. You constantly bitch about how you want to get out of the store. Sorry, I need change for a $100 cause you're sorry ass is dumb. :) Have a nice day.

Asians aren't as smart as they are made out to be hmm?

Now for...

Black people: First off, most of you bitch like nothing else and you complain and blah blah. You get attitudes over nothing. Especially if you looked at an EXPIRED sign(Which has the date right underneath the bright, flashing price of $2.99 a box) and thought that was the price. You have the most voids because of this. You're above the Spanish people on this one. Maybe you should learn to read signs more carefully. If you have over $100+ worth of shit that your buying anyways, what does it matter that the damn thing is $1 over the normal price? You're so damn picky. You're paying with Credit/debit anyways. If not foodstamps.. or cash. Even if it is .50 over. "Nuh uh I ain't paying that price for that! It was $200! Not $2.50!" Picky bastard.. ~_~ You don't want to wait to get it voided out yet, I already scanned it and you want it off. Sorry, too bad for you that you're picky and want it out.

Now.. not to seclude people because Asians, blacks, whites, and spanish people all have foodstamp cards, but if you don't have enough money on the damn thing, please. Tell me before I ring up $150 worth of shit and you only have $30 your card and $30 on your person. My god.. That means, we get to void the whole thing, unbag everything, and scan what you want. :) Or altogether cancel it. Warn people... Keep your lasty receipt so you know how much you have on it.. God damn.

Black people... calm down... it's only a few cents. Read the signs...please.

Now for..

Spanish people: Well, these people are great. They come into stores most of the time not knowing English. Thank god I have a spanish bagger that somewhat speaks English, otherwise there would be problems. :) It's hard to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your language in your country.. but the fact that they void out lots of stuff because they try to warn me of how much they have on their card, in Spanish, doesn't help. :)

The ones that do speak English, act just like the black people if something isn't on sale like the sign said. "TAKE IT OFF OMFG!!!!11111111oneoneeleventy!!!!" But... unlike black people(even though some do this too).. they will leave the register just to go get the sign that said it, only to have the frontend manager point to them the Expiration date, which in turn, we have to void out the whole thing or such and such cents to satisfy them. Also.. stop asking "Isn't that on sale for $blah amount of money?" Well.. yeah, it's in the paper.. dumbass. "Then why did it ring up for$blah amount of money?" Umm.. you shop here ALL THE TIME.. you haven't learned that it comes out in the END have you? :) Stop worrying... if it's in the damn paper, it's coming out. Ok? Unless you grabbed fat free or with calcium and vit. C, or some shit that wasn't in the paper, then no it won't come out.

Another thing is, they bring the whole damn family with them. Grandma, grandpa, mami, papi, kids, cousins. God damn. You all live in once house? And you're only buying $50 worth of food? You're shitting me right? The kids are yelling and screaming, the people are speaking Spanish, usually one teenager is there to translate if they want to take something off and tell the person paying how much it is. Damn. Must be annoying to go shopping with them huh? I feel your pain. And then, sometimes.. they buy a lot of stuff, and everyone gives money to the person paying because they barely have enough. Just by a $1 they have enough. All of them. But you have to wait for them to converse with each other on telling them how much it is, how much they have already, how much they need, yada yada. Bleh. @_@ Seriously... you guys should live in seperate houses.

Spanish people... you guys should really seperate from each other. Honestly. It's not like you'll never see each other again. o_O Get your own houses.. and buy your own food.. Then you'll have enough money. :D Also... ALWAYS bring someone to translate for you, or learn to speak English. :) This is America not Spamerica. or Meximerica. Depending on where you're from. :)

Now for..

My own kind( aka White people): Okay... guys.. I know you think you rule everything, but... I'm white, I'm working as a cashier. Doesn't mean you hit on me every chance you get. K? It's disgusting and also, my SPANISH boyfriend is right at register 7. :) Now.. what gets me about these people is that, they always ask what the Spanish people ask. "Isn't that $$?" Even Asians do this.. Everyone does it. And they almost always have come in here before. But they start going into a frenzy on taking it off before I get the chance to say, "It comes off in the end.." Then they go "Oh." Next item that was in the paper on sale, it starts all over again. Now.. what did I just say about the item before? "It comes off in the end" Good cracker... now shut up. They also do this while not having gotten everything out of the cart. They will be worried about these items and then they will grab a few more and worry about those. You're white people for godsake! You have money somehow or another up your ass, (so other races think.. ~_~) So stop worrying!

Also... white people tend to get really pissy if shit isn't bagged a certain way. They also don't pay attention to which cards work or not. "You're card isn't working sir" Ok *Grabs another card* "Not working..." Ok.. *Grabs another card* "Okay that did it." And just like Asians.. they come through the damn normal lines with 5 or less items while the expressline is open. But unlike Asians, if you tell them there is an expressline open, they will actually go to it. And also, if they do come to my line, a whole flock of white people don't follow suit after them with 5 or less items. Why? Because it's usually Asians that follow them in with 5 or less items.. Damn Asians. But if you tell a white person to to the Expressline and an Expressline Asian is behind them, the Asian will half the time follow them. But some of them just stay there like idiots.. even though no one is in the Expressline.. Still. But anyways.

The old white people.. are just like the Spanish people. When something isn't the "right" price, they want it out. They will bitch and complain even while they are paying you after you got it out, how it was priced wrong and all that crap. I don't care how much it was priced.. maybe you should just shut up about it since I took it out. Now white people.. and Spanish people both come back for the most Refunds. Probably because they are the ones who mostly come to the store. But because they can't read because they don't want to read the whole sign. They also can't tell when something came out. Even though it's in bold. Whatever came out, is in BOLD people. Yes... so... when I scan you're rice at $6.59 at the beginning of the ticket.. you will notice at the end, it says -300 for the sale price. Dip.. Pay attention people! cause that will make you look like a stupid person for wanting a refund because it didn't take it off because you didn't look at the bottom. Note: earlier I told you it would come out IN THE END! You damn cracker.. pay attention. Get the salt out of your ears.

So in conclusion..

Working the Expressline is SO Boring... no one comes over there because they are dumb. You only get 1 pickup that day because you haven't made enough money to get more than one because stupid Asians and White people, and anyone else with 10 or less items, doesn't come through your line...because they are all stupid and never see the light of the expressline. Even during the holidays, no one went through the expressline. We opened line 11 for once, which is right next to the expressline, peope for the expressline, went to line fucking 11 while the expressline was empty.. as always. But the Cashier for expressline, said, "Hey, I'm open!" and rung those people up. :) Thank god.

If you have 10, 15, or 20 items or less.... LOOK FOR A FUCKING EXPRESSLINE YOU DAMN MORONS!!!!!!! .....

Thank you.

So that is my rant for the past month or so that I haven't updated. XD I've already Ranted this to Rosemary over the phone. Early warning for her next job. :) Just to prepare her. She will be like me everyday after work.. Angry and wanting to hit people. XD

So I am coming home on the 5th. I am pleased to announce, that if you want to come over,(like anyone will now..) come the week after.. Cause from what I hear.. I have LOTS of cleaning to do. :) Cause Gina, Summer, Ricky, and Jason are all pigs and never clean anything. I have to buy a new futon because SOMEONE named ROSEMARY.... did stuff on MY bed.. :P Puking, Peeing... Sexing up Will.. :P All done on my NEW futon.. Yes Nathanael and Jeff, when you came over that one time, it was untainted of anything. :P But now... It is tainted.. lol And I'm giving it to fagboy.. LMAO. XD Who doesn't know.. XD And will have his first new bed in forever. Because.. we have had his bed for like 22 years now. XD So he should be happy. I will also have to wash my sheets with Gain and Clorox 2 to make sure NOTHING!!!!! Is left on it.. :P But yeah..

Anyways... off to shower now and get ready for... work....
# posted by | 2:00 AM |