
Name: Sabsie
Gender: Girl
Age: 21
Birthday: March 22
Ethinicity: Caucasian
Location: Oregon
Likes: Anime, Music, Manga, Internet, Sleep
Dislikes: Spiders, Idiots, Scary stuff; the works.
Email: SailorMoonChld


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Monday, January 07, 2008
I think I should make it a point to update this thing some more.. o_O; But.. It's not private really. But no one really checks it anyways.

Sebastian and I = Relationship as of December. We're being smart. We're moving slow. The most we have done is kiss. ^^ And it was the best kiss ever! ^_^ He doesn't live here yet, which is sad. He is in the Marines. So I went to Arizona to visit him. =D Wonderful mini-vacation. ^^ I have a feeling this will be a nice long lasting relationship and that it could progress further. ^_^ So that is happy news.

I work at a hospital now. It's amazing. =D I'm back in school from Winter break.. x.x; Sad. But oh well. I'm taking Sociology, Health, and Psychology. Should be fun. =) Health should be a piece of cake.. @_@ Hopefully. I mean I just took the A&P sequence.. o_O; Should be easy. So. yeah. =D Gonna try to figure out how to Apply for Nursing and Respiratory Therapy.. Take some computer classes next term. =) That should be fun. Go to the counseling center and have them help me do the Fafsa thing for me now that I live alone.. @_@ Maybe get some money for school if I get into a program this year.. =) Anywho. That's all..


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